In case you missed the update about this pregnancy being considered high risk, you can read it here – What I haven’t said about my pregnancy. I’m going back to where I left off and doing bump progress shots, with more information about what we’ve learned along the way about our baby girl and her medical issue. All of these leading up to 33 weeks are written in past tense, just from what I remember was going on. I want a record for myself, for my little girl and to help anyone else who may find themselves in a similar situation.
January 2nd -January8th
How big is baby? Baby is the size of a pomegranate, so she is 10.5″ long and 12.7 ounces approximately. Very small! Not even a pound yet.
How I’m feeling? I was down in Nashville with my mom and sister for part of my 21st week of pregnancy, and I was home at the end of it. This was actually a really busy week, which was good because it served as a distraction in the midst of getting the news about duodenal atresia.
I mentioned in my post revealing what’s been going on that we got the news initially by a phone call from my OB office. December 29th was my anatomy scan, and then we had the holiday so it was on January 2nd that someone got in touch with me and let me know what was noticed on the scan. I learned I was going to get a referral to the maternal fetal center at our hospital where I plan to deliver to have a repeat anatomy scan and a fetal echocardiogram. The downside was we had to wait two weeks before any of this could occur, because the maternal fetal center wouldn’t do an echo until I was 22 weeks.
Those few days we were in Nashville and I was separated from Alex and Ezra were actually a blessing in disguise. We did touristy things, we got our nails done, we ate at amazing restaurants. It distracted me, and it was good for me to almost be in something like a time out. I can’t help but feel that that was purposed by God, because he knows my nature. If I had been home, I would have been stressing and worrying.
To make things even more crazy, Alex was actually going on a sales trip when I got back from Nashville. So for the rest of the week, it was just Ezra and I. Again, it was what I needed. I had planned to host a neighborhood Christmas cookie exchange that week, too, and I decided to not cancel the event and just move forward with it. Not to be a broken record, but that turned out to be something that I needed as well. Just knowing we live in this neighborhood full of amazing, supportive people – and that these people literally are just a walk away from my door – it did so much to comfort me.
Any cravings or weird dreams? No cravings, but I had a lot of dreams about the baby and the things I had read online about her condition.
Any other details? When I got home from Nashville, my in laws were there with Ezra since Alex had already left for his trip. My boys had left this for me on the table and it was just what I needed to see as I came through the door –
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