December 5th – December 11th
So, “they” say that with baby 2, you do things less. Less documentation because you don’t have time, less new stuff because you’ve already got the basics, less reading up on pregnancy because you already know, less less less. The only thing that less so far is bump pics that aren’t that great. Like the one above, taken with my iPhone. I had Alex take my bump pics with Ezra, and I need to do that again because I don’t want the next 23 weeks to be all selfie bump pics in my bedroom mirror!
I had mentioned in my last update that I would start bump updates at 14 weeks but when I looked back at that picture…. I did not have a bump. At all. So I’m starting the same time I did with Ezra – 17 weeks.
On to the update!
How big is baby? Still going by the bump, and they haven’t changed their fruit and veggie comparisons since I was last pregnant so, baby is the size of an onion – about 5.1 inches long and weighs about 5.9 ounces. This baby could fit in the palm of my hand. The coolest thing happening this week with baby is the cartilage is turning to bone.
How I’m feeling? Finally human again. I had morning sickness this from 5 weeks until about 15 weeks. With Ezra, it lasted until 13 weeks. Morning sickness this time was WAY worse than last time, too. Like, there were days I was barely functioning and I had to – no joke – crawl up and down the stairs because standing up would make me vomit. Fun times. Anyway, I’m feeling a lot better now and I’m so happy that I can eat tomato-based foods again without wanting to explode.
Any cravings or weird dreams? Chili. All the tomatoey soups. Pizza. Stuff I hadn’t been able to eat for months. No weird dreams, yet.
Any other details? We just celebrated our seven year anniversary – aw! – so I’m feeling happy about that and I can’t believe here we are, parents to a two year old, in our second house, with another baby on the way. Wow. A lot has happened in these last seven years. I’m also feeling excited because we’re having an elective gender reveal ultrasound next week. I thought for sure that my OB would order my anatomy scan at 18 weeks, but the practice now waits until 20 weeks before doing that so that would mean we wouldn’t find out the gender until after Christmas or even the new year. I am way too impatient for that, so I called this place called Stork Vision and scheduled a 2D gender reveal. I’m secretly thinking girl, just because I have been so sick, but in all likelihood, it’s a boy. We’ll know soon enough!
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