February 12th-February 18th
How big is baby? He is the size of a pineapple – approximately 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds. I’m carrying what looks like a basketball under my shirts so I believe he is getting that long. I’m 99% sure he is head down (the tech at our 3D/4D ultrasound said he was) and he definitely uses his length to his advantage by poking my ribs with his tiny toes.
How I’m feeling? Really great! I don’t have any significant surge in energy – no nesting instinct, yet – but I am actually feeling really great. Sleeping is still difficult. Actually, it’s not the sleeping that’s hard, it’s the trying to fall asleep that’s hard. I usually wake up every 2-3 hours to go to the bathroom or re-adjust myself. I’ve found myself laying on my back a couple times when I wake up, so I’m glad I wake up every so often so I can be sure I’m staying off my back.
Any cravings, weird dreams or other symptoms? I had been having hip pain but that has stopped for now. Our childbirth class instructor said to sit cross-legged 25-30 minutes per day to relieve the hip pain and I’ve been doing that and I think it really has helped.
I’ve also started to feel what is termed “lightning crotch” (#8 on this list)… and that is not fun. But it doesn’t last very long and comes sporadically.
Braxton-Hicks contractions have been coming and going as well – usually when I’m asleep or trying to fall asleep. I just re-adjust myself and drink some water and they go away. They aren’t painful, just a little uncomfortable.
As for weird dreams… yes, they are back with a vengeance. One involved Ellen DeGeneres and a swimming pool in my living room. Yeah.
No cravings, though. Actually, I take that back. Yesterday, I had an insatiable craving for lemonade but when I went to buy some, I just didn’t want it anymore and it sounded disgusting.
My belly button is still out of control and sticking out everywhere. I hope everyone who comes into contact with me enjoys seeing it because I have no control over its wily ways.
Any other details? I am super pumped because my first shower is exactly one week from today! And my second shower is less than a month away! I really need to cut back on the registry stalking because I want to be surprised but I honestly can’t help myself. It’s just so fun to see what people pick out for the baby, and I can’t wait to fill his little room with his things. He is one lucky little guy and he isn’t even here yet.
We had our fourth childbirth class this past week – only one more left! – and it was all about breastfeeding. It was really informative, but I wish the instructors would have spent more time walking us through the various positions for holding your baby while he is feeding. Each couple only practiced one position – we did the football hold which is probably the easiest one ever (I say that now, sans baby). I think the most interesting thing we learned was how a baby actually breastfeeds – like the mechanics of the action. It was fascinating. Babies are pretty smart.
This weekend I’m really hoping to purchase the paint for the nursery. On Wednesday, my mom and I bought the fabric I’ll need to re-cover the cushion on the rocking/bouncing chair. We will need a couple pillows for it so it can be a comfortable breastfeeding chair, too.
This upcoming week I’m hoping we can make a trip to IKEA for an under-the-bed storage box. The one I want is, of course $80. Oh well. That’s a little more than I wanted to spend but at least it will corral clutter and keep the room from feeling overwhelmed with stuff. According to my spreadsheet *nerd snort*, we have already spent several hundred dollars on Baby already… what’s another $80???? 😉
I’m starting my 32nd week tomorrow. I know I’ve been saying this with each update lately, but I can’t believe I’ve made it this far. There will be 56 days left before my due date. That’s it. He is going to be here before we know it! I go through the emotional rollercoaster almost every day about this – between feeling really excited (“I can’t wait to hold him!!!!!”), to really upset (“why did we get pregnant???!!!), to reassuring myself (“You have 2 college degrees, you can handle a baby!”) and back to being excited. Pregnancy hormones are a trip.
Last note – I hope you have noticed my awesome t-shirt I’m wearing. It’s a shirt my husband had when he was a child and it’s probably my favorite t-shirt ever. It has these superheroes on it that are Health Heroes. Awesome, right? I’m so glad it still fits!
Do you have a body pillow, or even just a leg pillow? Even 14 months out from my last delivery (and, we’re hoping our final baby), I use my leg pillow every night. I think my husband found it at Bed Bath & Beyond. It’s been a back and hip saver!
My mom just got me a wedge on Saturday afternoon, actually, and I used it Saturday night but not last night. Last night I could definitely tell a difference not using it. My hip pain was unbearable. I do have a full body pillow but I hate it because it sucks up all the covers when I try to move to another side. But the wedge is really small so I like that better.
I loved learning the mechanics of lactation. The first time I pumped, I was astounded to see the milk comes out in lots of different little streams. I totally thought it would come out one “spout” or something.
I hear you about the leg and hip pain while sleeping. I’ve been seeing a chiropractor this pregnancy. I don’t know if it actually “works,” but I believe that it works, so thus I feel better!
I know (about the BF’ing)! I can self express right now and it is just completely fascinating.
I go to the doctor tomorrow and I’m going to ask for a chiropractic referral. My back was already bothering me last month and I could feel it was out of alignment and I’m sure things are just getting worse the more he grows and, especially, as he starts to drop. Good to know it’s working for you! I hope it does the same for me.