I love when I accidentally capture random moments like this Reading – Last week I was working through Law of Love. I’ve put it down and picked up All Wound Up because I needed something funny. If you’re a knitter,…
My baby looks like a bald headed buddha in this pic. So, there is this phenomenon on the interwebz right now called “Currently…” and it’s a bunch of posts talking about what is currently happening in the author’s life. I…
A beautiful morning
I have always loved mornings. Though I haven’t always been awake for them. Morning always hold such promise. I love a good, quiet, peaceful morning. Alex is awake before I am, so I relish the 20 or 30 minutes I…
Dear Ezra,
Oh my sweet boy. I hope you know how much I love you. I think you do, just based on your smiles when you see my face. I think your smiles are easily the best things I see every day….
Our Top 10 Baby Must-Haves
This is a post from my drafts folder that I never published when I originally wrote it… oops. It’s from May, when Ezra was soo leetle. Now he looks like a jumbo baby compared to his six-week self haha. So,…
52 Books in 2012: May & June Update
Believe it or not, since having Ezra I have been able to read more books than before. Could have something to do with the time spent sitting on the couch nursing, haha. But mostly it has something to do with the fact…
Things I wish I had known about birth and recovery
(Disclaimer: This might be a little TMI for some people. So read at your own peril!) When you become pregnant, there are several pieces of advice you’re going to hear over and over. These include: Say goodbye to sleep! You’ll…
52 Books in 2012: March & April Update
So, not surprisingly, progress really slowed down in March and April. I read five books total, bringing my total up to 11. I have 41 books left to read. Eek! In March, I read: Jesus for President: Politics for Ordinary…
Post-baby body
It’s been almost a month since having given birth to Ezra and I thought I’d do an update about my post-baby body. Weight Loss – Throughout my pregnancy, I gained a total of 27 pounds. One week after giving birth, I’d…
A typical day with a newborn
UPDATED JAN 2020 I wrote this post originally when my firstborn (who is now almost 8!) was just a couple weeks old. At that time, I was a brand new mom looking for some stability and predictability in my own…
Ezra’s Birth Story – Part 2
*Catch Part 1 right here!* So, when we left off I had just received my epidural and it was around 5:30am on Friday, April 6th. I had been in labor for nearly 24 hours – just 15 minutes shy of…
Ezra’s Birth Story – Part 1
Mommy & Ezra, our 2nd day home My labor began at 5:45am on Thursday, April 5th. Wednesday night I had been feeling pretty bad – mostly for myself, haha! – and tired of being pregnant. One of the joys of…