It’s happening again… we have another baby on the way!
Sometimes I still can’t believe it myself, but there’s definitely another little one on the way. This pregnancy is nearly halfway, which means it’s time to start sharing weekly updates and bump pictures. We have our anatomy scan on June 18th, and I’m really looking forward to that!
We already know this baby is a girl (I qualified for a genetic test that also reveals the gender), though, so we’ve been busy thinking of girl names.
I think, though, in true form…the baby won’t have a name until she is born. Seems we do that every time, and it always works out!
This new little girl is due in November (on or around the 10th), so she’s also the first of our kids to not have a spring birthday (both Ezra and Penny were born in April). Which may tell you she was a bit of a surprise… and she certainly was. We thought we would have a third, but we weren’t going to try to get pregnant until this summer. It happened earlier than we though, but that’s okay! Now we get to have a little one just in time for the holidays.
If you’re a parent to three, any tips you have on making this leap are much appreciated! I’m a little nervous, but overall I know it will be great. It helps that Ezra and Penny are already so excited <3
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