June 2nd-June 8th
It seems like 17 weeks is a good time for me to start documenting bump progress, since that’s where I’ve begun for my last two pregnancies and here we are again with this third one!
Some people may not even call this a “bump,” but that’s okay. It looks pretty bump-y to me 🙂
I will follow the same format this time in documenting this pregnancy as I have previously – weekly tracking of the bump, plus how the baby is growing and anything major that happens. This time I also got an Erin Condren Pregnancy Journal but I haven’t used it much yet. Need to change that!
How big is baby? I’ve been using The Bump’s growth guide so I’ll just stick with that, and they say for the 17th week, the baby is the size of a sweet onion – about 5.1 inches long and weighs about 5.9 ounces. This baby could fit in the palm of my hand. The coolest thing happening this week with baby is the cartilage is turning to bone.
How I’m feeling? Totally fine! I haven’t had much morning sickness at all this pregnancy, which is strange because with both Ezra and Penny I had it starting at 5 weeks until well into the second trimester (especially with Penny). I was nauseated for a couple weeks here and there, but nothing compared to how it was previously. I also had days where I was pretty tired, but nothing unbearable.
The scariest thing that happened during the first trimester was bleeding. I thought I was having a miscarriage – there was blood coming out and pooling around my feet (in my boots, actually. Because I had just taken Penny to see Beauty and the Beast at the Arnoff in downtown Cincinnati). But, it turned out to be a sub-chorionic hemorrhage and they couldn’t tell me why it happened. Just that sometimes this happens. I had bleeding off and on over the next several weeks, and now it’s resolved itself.
Any cravings or weird dreams? So.Many.Vegetables. This child has had me craving a lot of things actually (especially during the first trimester – my strangest cravings were cottage cheese + pickled beets, and cream cheese + raisins + townhouse crackers), but lately it’s just vegetables. As many vegetables as I can get my hands on.
Any other details? Because my pregnancy with Penny was high risk, I’ve had a lot of testing done with this child to make sure there is not a repeat of what happened previously. Our genetic counselor had told us we were not necessarily at risk for repeating Penny’s diagnosis with future children, but you never know what can happen (and her pregnancy is a great example of that because it was something that happened completely by chance).
I qualified for the Harmony Test, which is a blood test that runs a genetic panel for many common genetic disorders. You can opt to learn the gender of the baby as well, and we did that. I will share that in another post 🙂 We also did the quad screen this time, which left us with some questions though we are trying to focus on the fact that it is not a yes/no test but gives you probabilities. Our OB is doing a level 2 anatomy scan next Monday, the 18th, that should be the final picture for this baby and depending on those results, we may or may not get an amnio.
So that’s where things stand with this baby!
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