January 8th, 2012-January 14th, 2012
How big is baby? Well, I was right. We’re still an eggplant this week! Baby is 13.6- to 14.8-inch and 1.5- to 2.5-pound range. The Bump notes he is developing his senses this week, which I also read in What to Expect – specifically his sense of sight. Supposedly, if I move a flashlight on my belly he should react to the light. We might try this some time just to see what happens.
How I’m feeling? Accomplished! This week was great for getting things done. We got the crib ordered which is a major deal. My mom and dad are gifting it to us and we feel so blessed by that. We are getting the DaVinci Jenny Lind crib in white and I couldn’t be more excited.
The Amazon.com link shows the crib with the casters on it, but we will likely not be putting those on because it annoys me that they are black. They do, however, look awesome with the Ebony version of the crib.
The best part of all is the crib is on sale! Plus, we had originally been thinking about doing the Time to Turn in crib from Land of Nod but that crib is $649. I think the $149.99 price tag is much better than $649!
Any cravings, weird dreams or other symptoms? The heartburn no longer is striking at night and, instead, has lately been hitting me all day long. I may say something to my doctor about it at the next appointment, depending on how the situation is come Monday.
My skin is still itchy which is annoying. I think it’s time to try a heavier duty lotion. I don’t really have any consistent cravings right now. Mostly what will happen is I will see something on t.v. and think “that sounds good” and then I desperately will crave it for a few hours…then I’ll forget about it and move on to the next thing.
Another symptom I have not really talked about is weight. I have been consistently gaining as I should, but this week the weight gain has actually stopped a little bit and I even lost a pound. I’m not sure what’s going on with that because my food intake has not changed and I am not exercising (I know, bad pregnant lady!). So that’s another thing to add to the list of questions for the doctor.
Any other details? I’m getting my maternity photos done in about an hour so that is very exciting! I’m not sure what exactly the plan is – I know some will be at my house and some will be at a park or outdoors. The weather is pretty cold today, though, so hopefully we don’t do too many outside!
Tomorrow will also be really exciting, too, because it marks the first day of my 3rd trimester! I honestly never thought I would get here, but now that I look back I can’t believe I’ve been pregnant since July. The time just went by so quickly. I also can’t believe that when I was in the 14-22 week range I thought I was huge. There’s still more growth in store, but right now I think I can safely say I finally look pregnant.
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