December 25th, 2011-December 31st, 2011
How big is baby? Going on our third week of being a papaya. Who knew that fruit was so versatile?
How I’m feeling? Much more relaxed now that we are done traveling for the Christmas season. Christmas was great – like it always is – but I’m always happy to return to my normal routine. Plus, today is one of my favorite days – New Year’s Eve! I love NYE because I love the start of a new year.
We usually leave our tree up until New Years and then take the tree and all the decorations down the first week of January. This week, it made for a nice photo op!
Any cravings, weird dreams or other symptoms? Still craving pears – tons of pears. I’m also craving cookies and fudge. I think I just want sugar, in whatever way I can get it.
Apart from that, not too much is different. My nails are getting so long, still, that now they are cracking which is unfortunate. The insomnia has slightly waned. One symptom I haven’t mentioned is heartburn – I actually get that pretty consistently every single night, but a couple of Tums fixes that right up.
Any other details? I feel the baby move all of the time! It’s so great, I love it. He moves pretty consistently – in the mornings, around 9AM and in the evenings around 9PM. I can see him moving from the outside now, too, which is freaky and amazing at the same time.
Also, we made an appointment for our 3D/4D ultrasound. It will be happening February 4th and I cannot wait!
I had a doctor appointment this past week on Tuesday and that went well. Weight gain is on track for me, growth for baby is on track and his heartbeat is still hanging out in the high 140s/low 150s range. I got the order for my glucose test, but I won’t be scheduling that until my 28th week…which will be here before I know it! I can’t believe I’m just a couple weeks away from my 3rd trimester. It seems like years ago when I found out I was pregnant in July. Oh how the time flies!
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