In case you missed the update about this pregnancy being considered high risk, you can read it here – What I haven’t said about my pregnancy. I’m going back to where I left off and doing bump progress shots, with more information about what we’ve learned along the way about our baby girl and her medical issue. All of these leading up to 33 weeks are written in past tense, just from what I remember was going on. I want a record for myself, for my little girl and to help anyone else who may find themselves in a similar situation.
December 26, 2014 – January 1, 2015
Horrible quality photo, but you can still make out a bump! This is the halfway point!
How big is baby? Baby is as big as a banana, so she is 6.5″ and 10.2 ounces approximately. Very small!
How I’m feeling? Pretty good, and this was leading up to my girls’ weekend trip to Nashville with my mom and sister. My sister asked for a Nashville trip for Christmas, so that’s how that all came about. I’d been to Nashville one time before and loved it, so I was really looking forward to this trip.
That week we also had our anatomy scan but at that point we weren’t aware of any abnormalities. I do remember the ultrasound technician doing a lot of in depth checking, but I haven’t been pregnant in three years so I thought things had changed. I remember the tech making notes about separation between her chin and chest and checking the fluid in areas around her head, as well as commenting that her limbs were a good size (duodenal atresia is most commonly associated with Down Syndrome – 40% of babies diagnosed with DA will have Down Syndrome); she checked blood flow around her heart and noted that her heart seemed very strong (another common association with DA is heart defects). I just remember nodding my head and thinking “wow, she really is doing a great job with this!” not even realizing it was because she had seen the tell-tale “double bubble” sign of duodenal atresia and knew my OB would want further imaging.
But in that ignorance is bliss state, we loved getting confirmation that the baby was a girl and hearing how active she was (this child is still active, by the way. I don’t think she ever takes a break).
Any cravings or weird dreams? I don’t remember having any weird dreams at that point, but I do remember craving sushi. Not real sushi – we have a place around here where you can build your own wrap with cooked meat so you get the fun of sushi without the raw part. The teriyaki sauce….best.EVER. Talking about that place right now is making me want some!
Any other details? It’s funny to look now at my bump progress with this baby versus Ezra. I was fully expecting to look bigger the second time around because “they” say you do with subsequent pregnancies. And while that’s probably part of the reason, another is the polyhydramnios I’ve got going on which, at the time, I had no idea about. But I guess that’s neither here nor there at this point, huh.
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