I love when I accidentally capture random moments like this
Reading – Last week I was working through Law of Love. I’ve put it down and picked up All Wound Up because I needed something funny. If you’re a knitter, you’ll find this book hysterical. Especially the story set like a eulogy for a sweater named Cabled Gray. I was reading it while nursing Ezra and I had to stifle my laughter or else risk waking the baby. And we never want to wake the baby!!
Knitting – I’m adding in this category since knitting is pretty much a daily happening with me. I’m currently working on finishing the mystery shawl I mentioned in my post about breaking needles. I’m also working on a few wool soakers for friends as well as pumpkin hats. I hope to have the soakers and pumpkin hats finished by next week, so I can get them mailed out.
Watching – Caught the new episode of Boardwalk Empire on Sunday and it was a good one…but I’m looking forward to Walking Dead starting back up soon! I’ve also been watching a lot of Frasier. I don’t know why, but that show instantly puts me in a good mood and Hallmark has it on for 2 hours every evening.
Listening to – Yesterday I totally cleaned out and organized my office while Ezra was napping and turned on Pandora just to see what kind of stations I had on there. There was only a lonely Christmas station. So I setup a Misty Edwards one, though next time I think I’ll give Songza a whirl. It has playlists curated by “music experts” and you just specify the occasion you’re needing music for. Pretty cool idea! Alex would have been perfect to make playlists for this site. Every playlist he makes is filled with music I end up hearing on the radio a month later. The guy has a gift.
Thinking about – the direction I have planned for this blog. I’m pretty excited to get into more regular posting, and to hopefully interact more with readers.
Loving – silly, accidentally captured moments like the one in the picture above. I snapped the shutter on my camera to check the focus and lighting and randomly got Alex and Ezra in the mirror making silly faces. I have a couple of these from my test shots – sweet bonus! I’m also still loving fall. I’m wearing a warm, comfy, knitted poncho right now and loving it.
Looking forward to – Ezra’s 6 month checkup. I’m not looking forward to the shots, I’m more looking forward to them being over with. But I’m always excited to see his weight and height and how his percentiles stack up. It’s fun watching him grow. And it’s also a huge vote of confidence that I’ve kept this baby alive for 6 months, haha. But seriously, it is pretty amazing – with breastfeeding you really are your child’s only source of nutrition, so to know that I’ve nourished him along for this far…it’s a humbling experience, to say the least.
Making me happy – Starbucks’ Salted Caramel Mocha. I had one last winter and loved it but never made it back to try one…then it disappeared, though they would still sell you a caramel mocha then tell you later “we don’t have the salt anymore, sorry.” Yesterday, Ezra and I went to TJ Maxx (is it one x or two?) to just browse and decided to hit up Starbucks on our way home. I treated myself and I’m so glad I did. Dang that drink is gooooood!
Check out all my “currently…” posts by clicking here.
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