My baby looks like a bald headed buddha in this pic.
So, there is this phenomenon on the interwebz right now called “Currently…” and it’s a bunch of posts talking about what is currently happening in the author’s life. I first encountered it on Dani’s blog (which is one of my favs!).
Now that that explanation is out of the way, I can get on with jumping on the bandwagon 🙂
Reading The Law of Love by Laura Esquivel. It’s a magic realism kind of time for me right now. Plus, this book came with a CD whose tracks correspond to different chapters in the book. I don’t actually listen to the CD but it’s still a cool idea, haha.
Watching the new season of Boardwalk Empire and, this weekend, finally, The Avengers. I got it for Alex for his birthday this past weekend and we are finally going to get to see it! Ezra was born around the time it came out, so there was no movie-going to be had.
Listening to not a lot lately, actually. When I am listening to something, it’s Rodrigo y Gabriela. I just can’t get enough of them! Although I did hear tell from Alex that Muse has a new album out.
Thinking about how great it is to finally have Ezra on a solid routine. The kid is amazing. We are all a little more well rested around these parts, not to mention some much-needed structure.
Loving that the seasons are changing! I love Fall! I love pumpkin spice lattes, salted caramel mochas, roasted turkey, chili, football (actually not really…but I love the idea of loving football haha…and really the only football I watch is the Superbowl), sweaters, tea… I could go on.
Looking forward to Halloween and seeing my baby dressed up as Yoda. Though he has already worn his costume once for a Star Wars Family Fun Day (yes, we are that nerd family…though only Ezra dressed up ;)).
Making me happy that tomorrow is Ezra’s day with my mom so I’ll have plenty of time to work on a few projects that have fallen by the way side. Can’t wait to get started!
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